christmas at the zoo
Music played by elephants! (Via Geegaw.) It appears that, like Schoenberg and the Beatles, the Thai Elephant Orchestra discovered the possibilities of dissonance mid-career:
The players improvise distinct meters and melodic lines, and vary and repeat them. The results, at once meditative and deliberate, delicate and insistently thrumming, strike some Western listeners as haunting, others as monotonous. Mr. Sulzer wondered whether Prathida, a 7-year- old orchestra member whom he called "the Fritz Kreisler of elephants," would recognize dissonance. "I put one bad note in the middle of her xylophone. She avoided playing that note - until one day she started playing it and wouldn't stop. Had she discovered dissonance, and discovered that she liked it? She outsmarted the researchers."
Here's the police log from Monday night's post-NCAA riots in Tucson. I don't know why I take a perverse pride in this. We desert folk are simple, perhaps, but can we ever set shit on fire. My favorite bit is "Air reports people are taking the globes off the street lights and playing volleyball with them ."
Here are photos of the volleyball game and the ensuing cars on fire, people getting Maced, etc.
That's My Bush! premieres tonight. People can do this?