<= 2004.11.14

2004.11.18 =>

slippage 2

Website, if you think you're neglected, you should talk to my book. That word count up there isn't moving, and it's entirely my fault. The seminar papers intervene, the seminar papers—perhaps—make me feel more like an amateur than I would otherwise, not yet qualified to put real words together. Just these fake words. Books have lifespans, and it is always a race to finish the book before its lifespan expires and it becomes not worth finishing. It was easier when I had no other obligations but to sit in the Arizona sun/Portland rain and feel sorry for myself.

Heilge Kreuze sind die Verse, dran die Dichter stumm verbluten.


<= 2004.11.14

2004.11.18 =>

up (2004.11)