<= 2001.03.10

2001.03.12 =>

the misadventures of nosiop

I'm learning Spanish proverbs. Dios no da alas a las alacránes porque volando picarían. (God doesn't give wings to scorpions, for they would sting in flight.) Mona en seda pero mona queda. (A monkey in silk is still a monkey.) En casa del horcado, no se habla de cabresto. (In the house of a hanged man, one doesn't speak of rope.)

Also a marvelous children's song:

¡Pancho Villa
mató su tía
con un zapato
que no servía!
Pancho Villa
planchó su tía
con una tortilla.
¡Pancho Villa
plastó la tortilla
con mantequilla!

Pancho Villa
killed his aunt
with a shoe
that didn't work!
Pancho Villa
ironed his aunt
with a tortilla.
Pancho Villa
mashed the tortilla
with butter!

Did you know it's National Poison Prevention Month? So start preventing poison. I've never seen Mr. Yuk before, but apparently he's outlasted other poison-warning mascots, including Officer Ugg, Deputy Don't, and "Nosiop," a snake whose name you spell backward, etc. The concern about the time-honored skull and crossbones logo is that kids might find it cool or confuse it with Pirate Punch or something.

A short review of the new Noam Chomsky book which pretty much mirrors my uneasy stance toward the man; yes, he's right about a lot of things, but he's gotten to the point where his rhetoric is just as sweeping and knee-jerk as that of the propagandistic establishment he condemns.


<= 2001.03.10

2001.03.12 =>

up (2001.03)